Saturday, July 26, 2014

I ❤ Pizza nail art

I love pizza. You love pizza. We all love pizza!! Come on, who doesn't love pizza? I said pizza too much, it started sounding weird. Pizza pizza pizza... Anyway, show your love with these super duper cute nails! Seriously, nothing says "I love Pizza" more than these nails. I wish i had a slice of pizza right now. Is it just me, or does this design make you hungry? Probably just me..
Products and tools used are listed right here on this post and don't forget to leave a comment down below telling what you would like to see next, or you could just tell me what you think ❤ Thank you so much for reading and i'll talk to you soon, bye!

★items used in the "I" design:

- Light purple nail polish (Lilacisim by Essie)
- White acrylic paint
- Black acrylic paint
- A detail brush
- A striper brush
- A top coat (by Konad)

★items used in the heart design:

- Light purple nail polish (Lilacisim by Essie)
- White acrylic paint (as a base for the pink)
- Pink acrylic paint
- Black acrylic paint
- A detail brush
- A top coat (by Konad)

★items used in the pizza design:

- Light purple nail polish (Lilacisim by Essie)
- White acrylic paint (as a base)
- Light brown acrylic paint
- Light yellow acrylic paint (i mixed white and yellow)
- Black acrylic paint
- Red acrylic paint
- Dark green acrylic paint
- A detail brush
- A very small dotting tool
- A top coat (by Konad)

-The Polish Geek, Sarah ❤❤

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